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포스트 오크 ( Quercus stellata ) 코어
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더 많은 튜토리얼이 곧 제공됩니다!

소프트웨어 및 분석 - R | 쿠레코더 | +

dplR 패키지: 추세 제거, 연대기 구축, 교차 연대 측정과 같은 연륜 분석을 수행합니다. - Andy Bunn 박사(GitHub)
Dendroschool.org - Dendro 및 dendroTools R 패키지용 R 통계 사용에 대한 몇 가지 훌륭한 자습서를 호스팅합니다.
덴드로 스위트룸
아르스탄 | 코페체 |
에드름 | 등.

소프트웨어 및 분석 - R | 쿠레코더 | +

- GIS for Biologists: An affordable (USD $30) online course for learning QGIS
- Introduction to QGIS by Ujaval Gandhi: A comprehensive introduction to mapping and spatial analysis with QGIS by Ujaval Gandhi of Spatial Thoughts (www.spatialthoughts.com)
Spatial Thoughts: A free resource offering classes from introduction to advanced, covering topics like QGIS, Python, GDAL, & Google Earth Engine
Qiusheng Wu's Google Earth Engine (GEE) & Python for Spatial Data Management Tutorials (YouTube)
Forest Ecology Methods
Patrick Culbert - UBC Forestry | Great instructional videos covering many forestry topics (YouTube)
Landscape Ecology Course from ETH Zurich (edX.org)
This is the first MOOC to teach Landscape Ecology. Participants learn theory, methods and tools to understand the landscapes we live in and to solve landscape-related environmental problems.