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  • Tutorials | DendroHub

    A'oa'oga | Fa'ata'ita'iga, Fua, Iloiloga O fesoʻotaʻiga o loʻo i lalo o le a ave oe i le tele o auala-i vitio ma tala e fesoasoani ia te oe e faʻatautaia ai le malaga dendro. Pe oe fou i le ta'aloga po'o se tagata tomai fa'apolofesa, matou te mana'omia uma ni fa'amanatuga mai lea taimi i lea taimi. Fiafia, ma afai e te tau i isi, faamolemole taʻu mai ia i matou ! Sampling Techniques Software & Analysis Ecology, GIS, Statistics, Etc. Oak pou ( Quercus stellata ) Core Sampling Techniques Fa'ata'ita'iga & Sauniuniga Fa'ata'ita'i - Core & Kuki Fa'aopoopo Tagata fa'atosina O le a le fa'asusu fa'aopoopo? - Dr. Lauren Stachowiak (YouTube) Fa'afefea ona fa'ama'ai se fa'aola fa'asili - Chhin Lab (YouTube) SFRC Fa'atupuina Fa'aosoina Fa'avae - UF | Aoga o Vaomatua, Faigafaiva, & Geomatics Sciences (YouTube) Haglöf Suetena Fa'asili Fa'aopoopo - Fa'aaogāina ole Fa'aola Fa'aola Fa'aopoopo (YouTube) US Oak Project fa'ata'ita'iga laupapa | fa'aogaina o fa'aputuga ma toleniga - Agroisolab UK Galuega Fa'atino Aoina mai o se fa'ata'ita'iga tina mai se la'au ua ma'ila i le afi e ala i filifili - Stockton Maxwell (YouTube) Faataitaiga Sauniuniga Fa'asalaina o Vaega Fa'asaga Tetele - Joe Buck (YouTube) Dendro Sanding Tutorial (Vaiga Pu'upu'u): Fa'afefea ona Fa'asalaina se Vaega Koluse - Joe Buck (YouTube) Dendro Sanding Tutorial: Saunia se Fa'ata'ita'i Kuki La'au mai le Amata i le Fa'ai'uga - Joe Buck (YouTube) Saunia Autu o La'au mo Su'esu'ega: Fa'apipi'i & Sanding - James Dyer (YouTube) Saunia o Autu o La'au mo Su'esu'ega Vaega 2: Fa'asala ma Su'esu'ega - James Dyer (YouTube) Dendroarch-aeology E tele a'oa'oga ua lata mai! I luga Polokalama & Iloiloga - R | CooRecorder | + Cybis: CooRecorder & CDendro Cybis Dendrochronology Fale o CDendro & CooRecorder CooRecorder Basics & Fesoasoani - CDendro Tutorial - Dr. Stockton Maxwell (YouTube) CooRecorder A'oa'oga - Dr. Stockton Maxwell (YouTube) CooRecorder fautuaga- earlywood/latewood, va, mama mama, ma isi. - Dr. Stockton Maxwell (YouTube) Polokalama R mo Laau-mama Iloiloga dplR package: Fa'atino su'esu'ega mama-la'au e pei ole detrending, fa'asologa o taimi, ma fefa'ataua'iga. - Dr. Andy Bunn (GitHub) xDateR App - Dr. Andy Bunn xDaterCrashCourse - Dr. Andy Bunn (YouTube) - Faʻafeiloaʻi nisi o aʻoaʻoga sili i le faʻaogaina o fuainumera R mo Dendro & dendroTools R afifi Tellervo mo Laau-mama Iloiloga Tellervo Tutorials Dendro Suite ARSTAN | Cofeche | Edrm | Ma isi. Detrending ma ARSTAN - Gwenda Bruce (Slide Show) I luga Polokalama & Iloiloga - R | CooRecorder | + Software & Analysis Other Ecology-Related Help GIS | GPS QGIS for Ecologists (YouTube) GIS for Biologists: An affordable (USD $30) online course for learning QGIS Introduction to QGIS by Ujaval Gandhi: A comprehensive introduction to mapping and spatial analysis with QGIS by Ujaval Gandhi of Spatial Thoughts ( ) Spatial Thoughts : A free resource offering classes from introduction to advanced, covering topics like QGIS, Python, GDAL, & Google Earth Engine Chris Gentry's GIS Tutorial for ArcGIS Pro, QGIS, & R Qiusheng Wu's Google Earth Engine (GEE) & Python for Spatial Data Management Tutorials (YouTube) Statistics & Coding Spatial Thoughts: A free resource offering classes from introduction to advanced, covering topics like QGIS, Python, GDAL, & Google Earth Engine Statistics & R with Amelia McNamara (YouTube) Forest Ecology Methods Patrick Culbert - UBC Forestry | Great instructional videos covering many forestry topics (YouTube) Landscape Ecology Course from ETH Zurich ( This is the first MOOC to teach Landscape Ecology. Participants learn theory, methods and tools to understand the landscapes we live in and to solve landscape-related environmental problems. Dendrology & Plant ID North Carolina State Dendrology - Steph Jeffries | Tree ID for North American species (especially the Eastern 1/2 of the United States) Presentations SciComm: Animation training for Scientists by Tom Ovenden

  • Contact | DendroHub

    Fa'afeso'ota'i! O loʻo matou galulue pea i le faʻalauteleina o le Dendro Hub. Afai e iai ni au mea e fai e lafo, fale su'esu'e po'o mea e fa'aopoopo, po'o ni fesili po'o ni fa'amatalaga lautele, fa'amolemole ta'u mai! Auina mai ia i matou se imeli pe faʻatumu le fomu faigofie o loʻo i lalo, ma o le a matou aapa atu mulimuli ane. Auina atu se Feau! Igoa muamua Faʻaiu imeli Mataupu Savali Tuuina atu Faafetai mo lau talosaga! I luga

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    Dendro Events Calendar Red = Due Dates (Registration / Payment / Etc.) Black = Events (Conferences / Workshops / Etc.) *Always check the actual event links for the most updated information. The Dendro Hub posts updates, but can miss important dates & details.

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