Tree-ring Imibutho & Dendro Affiliates
I-Tree-Ring Society (TRS) ngumbutho wenzululwazi wamazwe ngamazwe ongenzi nzuzo ozinikele kuphando lwe-dendrochronological kunye nemfundo.
Iinjongo ze-TRS zezi:
Khuthaza uphando lwezangqa zemithi kunye nophuhliso lwekhondo lomsebenzi kuluntu lwehlabathi lwe-dendrochronology
Ukubonelela ngeqonga lonxibelelwano ngokuxhasa umbutho oqhelekileyo weenkomfa zamazwe ngamazwe, iindibano zocweyo kunye neeveki.
Papasha izifundo zedendrochronological eziphononongwe ngoontanga kwijenali yethu yoPhando lwe-Tree-Ring
Ukusasaza ulwazi malunga ne-dendrochronology kwamanye amacandelo kunye noluntu
Umbutho woPhando lweRing (ATR)
I-Association for Tree-Ring Research (ATR) ngumbutho wenzululwazi wamazwe ngamazwe ojolise ekukhuthazeni uphando lwe-tree-ring, imfundo kunye nokufikelela kuluntu. I-ATR ifuna ukukhuthaza iiprojekthi zophando, ukwakha iibhulorho, kunye nokuququzelela ukutshintshiselana ngolwazi phakathi kwamacandelo enzululwazi ahlukeneyo asebenza ngamakhonkco emithi kunye neenkalo ezinxulumene nesayensi (umz., amahlathi, i-archaeology, i-ecology yenguqu yehlabathi). Umbutho uzibophelele ngamandla ekusasazeni ulwazi malunga ne-dendrochronology kuluntu ngokubanzi, kunye nokomeleza umgaqo-nkqubo wengxoxo yesayensi.
I -Q-NET luthungelwano oludibanisa abaphengululi besebenzisa i-Quantitative Wood Anatomy (QWA) kwiimeko ezahlukeneyo ezifana ne-archaeobotany, i-dendrosciences, i-ecophysiology, i-ecology yamahlathi, ulawulo lwamahlathi, ukhuseleko lwamahlathi, i-geoscience, ibhayoloji yemithi kunye nomgangatho womthi.
Iinjongo ze- IAWA :
ukudala ulwazi ngendawo yokwakheka komthi kwisayensi, iteknoloji kunye nolondolozo lwemithombo yendalo, ukwenzela ukuba uluntu lulunge;
ukutshintshiselana ngezimvo neenkcukacha ngembalelwano neentlanganiso;
ukuququzelela ukuqokelela, ukugcinwa kunye notshintshiselwano lwezixhobo zophando;
ukubonelela ngeziseko ezinengqiqo zokusetyenziswa okufanayo kwesigama kwiinkcazo zomthi kunye namaxolo, kunye nokusebenzisana nabanye abaneenjongo ezifanayo kwezinye iinkalo ezinxulumene nezityalo ze-anatomy;
ukuvuselela ukupapashwa kwamanqaku enzululwazi malunga ne-anatomy yomthi kunye nemimandla ehambelana nayo (kubandakanywa ne-bark anatomy, "woody" monocotyledons);
ukukhuthaza nokuncedisa ekufundeni nasekufundiseni i-anatomy yomthi kunye neenkalo ezinxulumene nazo;
ukukhuthaza uphando kwi-anatomy yamaplanga kunye neenkalo ezinxulumeneyo kunye nokubandakanyeka kuwo nawuphi na omnye umsebenzi ohambelana neenjongo zoMbutho.
I-BIND is an international consortium of tree-ring scientists who focus on the application and improvement of the BI (Blue Intensity) method for dendrochronology.
To promote the methods of BI generation of Tree-Ring Laboratories around the globe and encourage standard protocols and best practice
To encourage the further development of the BI methodology through workshops and collaboration
To encourage collaboration for the creation of regional networks of BI chronologies – not just from temperature limited woodland locations, but also from more moisture stressed limited sites at low elevations/latitudes.
To explore the utilisation of BI for historical dating and dendro-provenancing
Dendro Consortia
I- TRACE , isifinyezo seMithi yoMthi kwi-Archaeology, i-Climatology kunye ne-Ecology, yintlanganiso yonyaka yoMbutho woPhando lweRing-Ring. Ukususela ngo-2002, xa kwabakho intlanganiso yokuqala, inkomfa yezizwe ngezizwe yaqhutywa kulo lonke elaseYurophu. I-TRACE 2022 iya kwenzeka e-Erlangen, eJamani, ukususela ngoMeyi 24 - 27, 2022. Ukuze ufumane inkcazelo engakumbi, jonga iwebhusayithi yenkomfa www.trace2022.com .
I-Ancient Cross Timbers Consortium iye yasekwa ukuze idibanise amaziko emfundo, ii-arhente zikarhulumente, imibutho yolondolozo, kunye nabantu ngabanye malunga nophando, imfundo, kunye namathuba olondolozo anikezelwa yintsalela yehlathi elidala elidala kule ecosystem. I-Consortium iququzelele uthungelwano olulodwa lwentsebenziswano yophando lweendawo zendalo kwiintsalela ze-Cross Timbers zamandulo ezidlula kwiikhilomitha ezingama-700 ukusuka kumzantsi-mpuma weKansas ukuya kumazantsi eTexas.
I-Ancient Bald Cypress Consortium (ABCC) idibanisa amaziko emfundo, ii-arhente zikarhulumente, imibutho yolondolozo, abanini-mihlaba babucala, kunye nabantu ngabanye ukwenza imephu echanekileyo kunye nokukhusela yonke imigxobhozo yamandulo yempandla yophando, imfundo kunye nokugcinwa.
I-Oak Woodlands & Forests Fire Consortium lutshintshiselwano ngolwazi lwenzululwazi yomlilo. Ukuxhaswa ngemali yiNkqubo yeNzululwazi yoMlilo odibeneyo, injongo yethu kukunyusa ukufumaneka kunye nokuqwalaselwa kolwazi oluthembekileyo lwesayensi yomlilo kwabo benza izigqibo zolawulo lomhlaba.
The ShrubHub is a research network of 125+ scientists investigating changes in woody vegetation in Arctic and alpine tundra ecosystems. This network was established to foster communication between researchers working in tundra ecosystems around the Arctic and to promote data synthesis.
ShrubringHub: GitHub repository for the ShrubHub growth ring database.
Purpose: We combined individual datasets of shrub growth from sites around the tundra biome to explore the climate sensitivity of shrub growth.
Abstract: This dataset consists of tundra shrub growth data from 37 arctic and alpine sites in 9 countries, including 25 species, and ~42 000 annual growth records from 1821 individuals.
Inkqubo yeSayensi yoMlilo oHlangeneyo ixhasa uphando lwezesayensi malunga nemililo yasendle kwaye isasaze iziphumo zokunceda abenzi bomgaqo-nkqubo, abaphathi bomlilo kunye nabasebenzi benze izigqibo ezifanelekileyo.
I-FRAMES izama ukubonelela ngotshintshiselwano olufanelekileyo, olucwangcisiweyo lolwazi kunye nobuchwepheshe phakathi kophando lomlilo wasendle kunye noluntu lolawulo.
IFRAMES ibekwe kwiSebe leeHlathi zeHlathi, kunye neeSayensi zoMlilo kwiYunivesithi yaseIdaho College of Natural Resources eMoscow, eIdaho.
Inkqubo yeFRAMES ixhaswa ngemali yiNkqubo yeSayensi yoMlilo, iFuel, kunye neSmoke kwi- USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station.
Umnqophiso weDendroEcological Network (DEN) kukubonelela ngovimba we-intanethi wedatha ye-dendrochronological kunye ne-ecology yehlathi ehambelana nayo, kunye nokubonelela nge-cyberinfrastructure ukuze kufunyanwe, ukuhlola, kunye nokwabelana ngaloo datha. I-portal yedatha ifumaneka esidlangalaleni kwaye nabani na onokufikelela kwi-intanethi unokuyisebenzisa kwaye abe negalelo kuyo. Ukugcina ubungqongqo bobutyebi bubonke, i-DEN okwangoku ilinganiselwe ekwamkeleni kuphela iiseti zedatha eziqulathe ii-cores eziye zadityaniswa umhla.
The UK Oak Project is an inter-disciplinary project investigating the physical and chemical properties of oak tree-rings to advance science-based dating in archaeology and the study of past, contemporary and future climatic change.
The research team comprises scientists from the Department of Geography, Swansea University and the University of Oxford's Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art.
FireScience.gov is your one-stop source to access fire science information, resources and funding announcements for scientists, fire practitioners and decision makers.
We are committed to improving your access to fire science information. On this site, you can:
Apply for funding
Read summaries of research to stay up-to-date
Register for events like conferences and webinars
Connect with scientists and managers in your area through our Fire Science Exchange Network
Fire Networks resources are organized so that you can filter by network (Fire Networks, Fire Learning Network, Rx Fire Training Exchange: TREX/WTREX, Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network, Indigenous Peoples Burning Network) or resource type (Fact Sheet/Program Report, Tool/Toolkit, Publication, Video/Webinar).
The resources include more information about the networks, tools, and guides developed by members, as well as other resources that members and other practitioners may find useful.
The Cultural Burning Knowledge Hub is a place to find information about how
Traditional Owners use fire in the landscape.
The Hub provides links to a range of documents, websites, organisations and events.
Eastern Alpine and Dinaric Society for Vegetation Ecology was established in 1960 with an aim to stimulate the cross-border cooperation for studies of vegetation. The society organises meetings every second year. The meeting is not opened only to members, but also to other researches interested in flora and vegetation of the region.
NFZ.forestnet is a European research and higher education network which gathers French, German and Swiss institutions working on forestry, forest ecosystem and forest-related products. It aims at creating and developing collaborative research and education projects.
NFZ.forestnet was created in 2006. The network is composed of 7 institutions, universities and research centres, in Nancy, Freiburg, and Zurich. All in all, 700 researchers and professors work in NFZ.forestnet member institutions.
IUFRO is a non-profit, non-governmental international network of forest scientists, which promotes global cooperation in forest-related research and enhances the understanding of the ecological, economic and social aspects of forests and trees. IUFRO is "the" global network for forest science cooperation. It unites more than 15,000 scientists in around 650 Member Organizations in over 125 countries, and is a member of ICSU. Scientists cooperate in IUFRO on a voluntary basis. More about IUFRO
Biologisch-Archaeologisch Platform is an independent platform of biological-archaeological specialists in archaeology. The BAP promotes research, education, communication and integration of biological-archaeological research within archaeology.
The BAP also actively participates in the renewal of the archaeological system and the discussion about certification and the role of bio-archaeological specialties within certification. Together with SAMPL (the platform for specialists in archaeological material), BAP has a seat in the Central College of Experts in Archaeology (CCvD). The BAP also takes an active part in the Groot Reuvens consultation.
In accordance with the decision of the former Inter-Agency Task Force for Disaster Reduction (IATF/DR) of the UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR), the Global Wildland Fire Network (GWFN) and the UNISDR Wildland Fire Advisory Group (WFAG) were created in 2004 under the auspices of UNISDR. The GWFN provides an umbrella of 14 independent Regional Wildland Fire Networks of different / individual origins and mandates. Its mission is to:
Reduce the negative impacts of landscape fires on the environment and humanity
Advance the knowledge and application of the ecologically and environmentally benign role of natural fire in fire-dependent ecosystems, and sustainable application of fire in land-use systems.

Oovimba beenkcukacha & namakhonkco
I-World Data Service for Paleoclimatology ilawula i-International Tree-Ring Data Bank (ITRDB), elona vimba likhulu kwihlabathi ledatha yeringi yemithi. Ukongamela kubonelelwa yiKomiti yeeNgcebiso ye- ITRDB . I-ITRDB ibandakanya ububanzi besangqa ekrwada, ukuxinana komthi, imilinganiselo ye-isotope, kunye nezalathiso zesalathiso sokukhula kwendawo ukusuka kwiindawo ezingaphezu kwama-5,000 kumazwekazi amathandathu. Iiparamitha zemozulu ezakhiwe ngokutsha ziyafumaneka kwezinye iindawo.
I-Dendrochronology ifunda ububanzi obuguquguqukayo bonyaka kwiplanga. Iipateni zomthi ezikhuni ezisuka kwilifa lenkcubeko ziqulethe ulwazi olulodwa malunga nobalo-maxesha lwangaphambili, uqoqosho lwentlalo, imbonakalo yembali kunye nokusetyenziswa kwayo, imozulu kunye nobuchwephesha bomthi. I-DCCD yindawo yokugcina yedijithali kunye nethala leencwadi elisebenzisanayo ledatha yeringi yemithi. Umxholo wayo uphuhliswa ngophando, phakathi kwezinye: iindawo ze-archaeological (kubandakanya imihlaba emidala), ukuphuka kweenqanawa, izakhiwo, ifenitshala, imizobo, imifanekiso eqingqiweyo kunye nezixhobo zomculo. I-DCCD isekwe kuMgangatho weDatha weRing (TriDaS) kwaye ivumela ukuguqulwa kwezinye iifomathi zedatha ezisetyenziswa ngokubanzi. Iqulethe uthotho lwedijithali lomlinganiselo womthi kunye ne-avareji yeziganeko, kunye nemetadata yazo echazayo netolikayo. Ivumela abaxhasi ukuba balawule kwaye balawule ukufikelela kwiidatha zabo.
I-International Multiproxy Paleofire Database (IMPD) nguvimba wedatha yembali yomlilo ethathwe kwiiproxi zendalo ezifana nezivala zemithi kunye namalahle kunye neerekhodi zentlenga. I-IMPD yasekwa kunye nesikhokelo esivela kwibhodi yeengcebiso ukubonelela ngogcino olusisigxina lweerekhodi ze-paleofire ezikumgangatho ophezulu ezivela kwihlabathi jikelele. Ukufumana ulwazi oluthe kratya malunga nedatha ye-paleofire, jonga yethu Intshayelelo yoKwakha kwakhona iMbali yoMlilo .
Singabaphathi beSizwe (i-USA) abakhokelayo kwidatha yendalo esingqongileyo, kwaye silawula enye yezona ndawo zinkulu zogcino lwazi olusemoyeni, oluselunxwemeni, lwe-geophysical, kunye nophando lolwandle ehlabathini. I-NCEI yenza igalelo kumnqophiso weNESDIS ngokuphuhlisa iimveliso kunye neenkonzo ezintsha ezithatha icandelo lezenzululwazi kunye nokwenza ngcono ukufunyanwa kwedatha.
Le glossary ye-intanethi iguqulelwe kwi-Multilingual Glossary ye-Dendrochronology (1995). Iqulethe inkcazo kunye nokuguqulelwa kwamagama angama-351 kwiilwimi ezisi-7: IsiNgesi, isiJamani, isiFrentshi, iSpanish, isiTaliyane, isiPhuthukezi nesiRashiya.
Ukubeka iliso kuTrendi kwiBurn Severity (MTBS) yinkqubo yee-multi-agency eyilelwe ukulandelelanisa ubuqatha bokutsha kunye neeperimitha zemililo kuwo onke amazwe ase-United States ukusuka kwi-1984 nangaphaya.
Idatha ye-Paleoclimatology ithathwa kwimithombo yendalo efana nezangqa zomthi, ii-ice cores, corals, stalagmites, kunye nolwandle kunye nentlenga yechibi. Ezi nkcukacha zemozulu engummeli zandisa uvimba wolwazi lwemozulu kunye nemozulu ngamakhulu ukuya kwizigidi zeminyaka. Idatha iquka uthotho lwexesha lomlinganiselo we-geophysical okanye ibhayoloji kunye nezinye izinto eziguquguqukayo zemozulu ezakhiwe ngokutsha ezifana nobushushu kunye nemvula. Iingcali zenzululwazi zisebenzisa idatha ye-paleoclimatology kunye nolwazi lokuqonda ukuguquguquka kwemozulu yendalo kunye nokutshintsha kwemozulu kwixesha elizayo.
Wamkelekile kwiwebhusayithi ye-TRiDaS apho unokufumana ulwazi malunga nomzamo woluntu lwamazwe ngamazwe ukuvelisa umgangatho wedatha jikelele kwidatha ye-dendrochronological. Inqaku elichaza umgangatho lipapashwe kwi-Dendrochronologia kwaye lifumaneka ngeSayensi Direct . Ungajonga kwakhona amaxwebhu e-TRiDaS ukufumana ngakumbi.
Khangela iDatha yeSayensi yeHlathi yeDendrochronology (kunye namanye amanqaku ejenali yeSayensi yeHlathi), izahluko zeencwadi, iibhulethi zobugcisa, amaphepha enkomfa, kunye nokunye.
I-OldList yidatabase yemithi yamandulo. Injongo yalo kukuchonga ubudala obubona buphezulu ukuba iintlobo ngeentlobo zezilwanyana kwiindawo ezahlukeneyo zinokubufumana kangangokuba abantu abadala abakhethekileyo baqapheleke. Ukongeza kolu luhlu lwangaphambili lwe-OldList, u-Neil Pederson e-Harvard Forest kunye nabalingane kwiNkqubo ye-Virginia Tech Tree bagcina iqabane Eastern OldList , igxile kwimithi emidala ekhula kwimpuma ye-United States.
I-Eastern OLDLIST yi 'franchise' yedatha ye- OLDLIST , isiseko sedatha yemithi yamandulo kunye nobudala bayo. Injongo yolu luhlu kukuchonga kunye nokuqaqambisa ubudala obuphezulu beentlobo kwimpuma yoMntla Melika. Olu luhlu luza kuqulatha kuphela iminyaka yemithi engqinisiswe kakuhle okanye ebhalwe kakuhle (jonga iNgcaciso yobuGcisa ngezantsi ngolwazi oluthe kratya).
Wamkelekile kwiDatha yeGymnosperm, eyona mthombo wolwazi kwi-conifers kunye namahlakani azo. Ukusukela oko sangena kwi-intanethi ngo-1997, uvimba weenkcukacha utsale umdla kwihlabathi jikelele njengomthombo wolwazi ofikeleleka lula, ochaneke ngokwenzululwazi ngohlelo, ingcaciso, i-ikholoji kunye nokusetyenziswa kweli qela lezityalo libalulekileyo ngokwenkcubeko nakwindalo.
Le datha yeentlobo zezityalo ezihambelana ne-dendrochonologically ngoku iqulethe amagama e-1,166 yemithi kunye neentlobo ze-shrub apho amakhonkco omthi ahlalutyelwe kwiincwadi ezipapashiweyo. Uvimba weenkcukacha ubonelela ngeekhowudi ze-ITRDB zeentlobo zemithi.
Olu lwazi lulandelayo lunikwa uhlobo ngalunye okanye ezahlukeneyo: Igama lesiLatini kunye negunya, igama eliqhelekileyo (s) ngesiNgesi kunye / okanye amagama asekuhlaleni angewona aseYurophu. Malunga. Iintlobo ezingamakhulu asixhenxe ezinedatha yeringi yemithi kunye namaxesha akhoyo kwi-International Tree-Ring Data Bank ( ITRDB ), ulwazi olongezelelweyo lubandakanya:
I-Crossdating Index (CDI), apho
U-"0" ubonisa ukuba uhlobo aluphambanisi, okanye akukho lwazi lunokudityaniswa lukhoyo
"1" ibonisa uhlobo olwaziwayo ngokuwela phakathi naphakathi kwemithi (ukubaluleka okungephi kwidendrochronology)
"2" ibonisa uhlobo olwaziwayo ukunqumla ummandla (okubaluleke kakhulu kwi-dendrochronology).
*Nceda uqaphele ukuba ukusukela nge-17 kaFebruwari 2022 idatabase ibingekahlaziywa ukusukela ngo-2013.
An online flora of all known plants, supporting the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation. 1,325,388 names, 350,595 from accepted species, 56,408 images, 138,663 names with descriptions, 32,566 with distributions and 1,153,631 with references.
The Wood Database contains around 600 species currently, which only represents about 1/4 of the database's creator's, Eric Meier, total collection! Eric's book, The Wood Dictionary: From Acacia to Ziricote, A Guide to the World's Wood is also available.
FloraVeg.EU is an online database of European flora and vegetation data prepared for various projects of the Vegetation Science Group, Department of Botany and Zoology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. Most of the datasets were created in collaboration with partners from the European Vegetation Survey Working Group of the International Association for Vegetation Science. It uses the Pladias database platform developed in collaboration with the Institute of Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences.
The Flora part of the database focuses on native and naturalized flora occurring in Europe. Cultivated plants are not within the scope of the database, although the most commonly cultivated crops and woody plants are included. Taxon concepts and nomenclature largely follow the Euro+Med PlantBase. Species are characterized by their biological traits, origin, ecological indicator values and their occurrence in habitat and vegetation types.
Welcome to ITIS, the Integrated Taxonomic Information System! Here you will find authoritative taxonomic information on plants, animals, fungi, and microbes of North America and the world. We are a partnership of U.S., Canadian, and Mexican agencies (ITIS-North America); other organizations; and taxonomic specialists. ITIS is also a partner of Species 2000 and the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). The ITIS and Species 2000 Catalogue of Life (CoL) partnership is proud to provide the taxonomic backbone to the Encyclopedia of Life (EOL).
TreeFlow is a comprehensive web resource for tree-ring reconstructions of streamflow and climate, providing easy access to reconstruction data as well as information about how the data were developed and can be used.
InciWeb is an interagency all-risk incident information management system. The system was developed with two primary missions:
Provide the public a single source of incident related information
Provide a standardized reporting tool for the Public Affairs community
Learn how to use and navigate around InciWeb with this support guide.
A number of supporting systems automate the delivery of incident information to remote sources. This ensures that the information regarding active incidents is consistent, and the delivery is timely.
The Fire and Smoke Map displays information on ground level air quality monitors recording fine particulates (PM2.5) from smoke and other sources, as well as information on fires, smoke plume locations, and special statements about smoke issued by various sources.
This map is designed to:
Allow the user to browse current conditions
Show information relevant to the current location or another location of interest
This page provides links to the most recent versions of tools produced by the U.S. Forest Service PNW Research Station's Pacific Wildland Fire Sciences Laboratory in support of the Wildland Fire Air Quality Response Program and wildland fire operations.
The Interagency Wildland Fire Air Quality Response Program (IWFAQRP) was created to directly assess, communicate, and address risks posed by wildland fire smoke to the public as well as fire personnel. The program depends on four primary components: specially trained personnel called Air Resource Advisors, air quality monitoring, smoke concentration and dispersion modeling, and coordination and cooperation with agency partners.
The geospatial products described and distributed here depict the probability of high-severity fire, if a fire were to occur, for several ecoregions in the contiguous western US.
Users of these data should thoroughly read the README [pdf] file to better understand appropriate uses and interpretations of the data products distributed here.
To cite these data, please see:
Access wildfire data, live feeds, technology, and resources from esri. Use this collection of map layers, live data feeds, maps, organizations, blog posts, and how-to guides to help plan and manage your wildfire response.
We manage approximately 150,000 citations on all the topics related to wildland fire, including prescribed burning, smoke, climate change, paleofires, wildlife and invertebrates, and fire history, to name a few of the topics we cover. We have set up our site so that you can search and download documents without charge.
Free silhouette images of animals, plants, and other life forms, available for reuse under Creative Commons licenses. Over 5,000 silhouette images in the database.
Welcome to the online edition of The World List of Cycads (WLoC), a comprehensive taxonomic reference for cycad taxonomy, nomenclature, biology, and literature. The WLoC is produced under the auspices of the IUCN/SSC Cycad Specialist Group (CSG). The online edition is hosted and sponsored by Montgomery Botanical Center.
Plant List of Accepted Nomenclature, Taxonomy, and Symbols
The PLANTS Database provides standardized information about the vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens of the U.S. and its territories.
The Global Historical Climatology Network daily (GHCNd) is an integrated database of daily climate summaries from land surface stations across the globe. GHCNd is made up of daily climate records from numerous sources that have been integrated and subjected to a common suite of quality assurance reviews.
GHCNd contains records from more than 100,000 stations in 180 countries and territories. NCEI provides numerous daily variables, including maximum and minimum temperature, total daily precipitation, snowfall, and snow depth. About half the stations only report precipitation. Both record length and period of record vary by station and cover intervals ranging from less than a year to more than 175 years.
DendroElevator is an open-source web platform for tree-ring image curation, visualization, and analysis. The system is optimized to maximize access to gigapixel images of tree rings and related paleoenvironmental proxy datatypes for remote research and distanced collaboration.
DendroElevator features a browser-based toolkit for tree-ring image visualization and time series measurement built for Elevator, a cloud-hosted digital asset management software with curation and robust streaming capabilities for file types of any size and common 2D and 3D formats, plus adaptability for various metadata and access permissions schemas.
DendroElevator constitutes an initial realization of our vision to create an open source, easily accessible online repository of high quality tree-ring imagery for entire collections of specimens. More information is here.
Welcome to the home of openDendro -- an open-source framework of the base analytic software tools used in dendrochronology in both the R and Python programming languages. Our goal is to create and curate a unified set of critical tools in open-source environments that will provide the necessary baseline for researchers using tree-ring data to adopt open-science practices and increase both rigor and transparency in dendrochronology.
N-TREND is a mainly tree-ring community driven initiative to bring together dendroclimatologists to identify a collective strategy to improve large-scale reconstructions of summer temperatures from new and existing tree-ring archives.
The Building Archaeology Research Database (BARD) has been designed as an easy to use and accessible summary index for both published and unpublished building records. It’s main aim is to encourage involvement in building archaeology and its current 23,000+ records (including many tree-ring dated buildings) can be freely searched on-line.
BARD is a primarily an on-line scientific research tool showing how building styles developed through time and across regions.
BARD currently contains over 2500 tree-ring dated buildings and key features of timber-framing such as crucks, crown posts, wealdens, queen posts, etc can be selected and plotted.
BARD provides systematic recording system for buildings that also helps to narrow down the likely date of construction.
Iijenali nolunye upapasho
Iincwadi Eziluncedo
Intshayelelo kwi-Tree-Ring Dating-uMarvin Stokes kunye noTerah Smiley
I-Dendroecology: Imigaqo kunye nokuSebenza - uRichard Phipps kunye noThomas Yanosky
Isiqwenga ngexesha: I-Dendrochronology kunye noKuchaneka ukuDating-MGL Baillie
Iindlela zeDendrochronology: Izicelo kwiSayensi yeNdalo - ER Cook & LA Kairiukstis
Imfundo yeDendro kubo bonke
Dendrochronology | Phonononga inzululwazi umsesane ukuthandana
"Joyina i-dendrochronologists uDanny noDonald ekufundeni ngembali kunye nesayensi ye-ring ring dating , kunye nemisebenzi exhasayo echaza imigaqo ye-dendrochronology - ukusuka ekulinganiseni isampuli enye engundoqo ukuya ekwakheni ixesha lexesha eklasini. Esi sixhobo siya kuba nomdla kootitshala , abafundisi bezinto zakudala kunye neenkokeli zeqela lolutsha - nakubani na onomdla ekuboniseni nasekutolikeni inzululwazi yezinto zakudala.
I-Dendrochronology Umsebenzi weBakala: 6 - 8 | IYunivesithi yaseOregon State (PDF)
Isifundo kwiPlanethi yeDendrochronology Izifundo (ezininzi onokuzikhetha kuzo)
"Izifundo kule yunithi yesalathiso katitshala zenzelwe i-STEMAZING “Branching
Phuma” Iworkshop yeDendrochronology ebanjelwe kwiLebhu yoPhando lweRing-Ring kwi
Disemba 19, 2015. Ezi zifundo ziyilelwe ukuba zisetyenziswe ngootitshala be-K-12 aba
uqeqesho olugqityiweyo ngeYunivesithi yaseArizona Ilebhu yoPhando lweTree-Ring
Inkqubo yokufikelela ebantwini."
"Kwesi sifundo, abafundi bahlalutya amakhonkco emithi ukuze benze izigqibo malunga neepateni zemvula kwixesha elidlulileyo. Baphinda bathelekise
uhlalutyo lwabo kunye nedatha yemvula yangempela (ukusuka kwi-NASA) ukumisela ukufana kunye nomahluko kwimvula
iipateni eziqokelelwe ngexesha elithile. Le misebenzi ibonelela ngomxholo wokuqonda ukuba izazinzulu zinokuphonononga njani
izinto zendalo ezifana imithi ukufunda malunga neemeko zemozulu kwixesha elidlulileyo, phambi komlinganiselo olubanzi
iqondo lobushushu kunye nemvula."
"Ekupheleni kwalo msebenzi, abafundi baya kuba nakho ukuxela ubudala bomthi ngamakhonkco awo, kwaye baqonde ukuba iipatheni zeringi zingasetyenziselwa njani ukumisela iminyaka yeendawo zakudala kunye nokuba imozulu yayinjani xa iziza zazikuyo. ukusebenzisa."
Ukulinganisa amakhonkco oMthi - iDendrochronology | Iziko le-UCAR leMfundo yeNzululwazi
"Amakhonkco omthi anceda izazinzulu ukuba zifunde malunga nemozulu edlulileyo ngokuchaza iipatheni zezangqa zomthi. Sebenzisa olu kulinganisa olusebenzayo ukuze ufunde ukuba iipatheni zezangqa zomthi zisixelela njani ngeemeko zemozulu kwixesha elidlulileyo."
Abacuphi bemithi | Iklasi yase-US Mint Coin
"Ukuqala ngekota ye-Great Basin National Park, abafundi baya kuqonda umjikelo wobomi bomthi we-Bristlecone Pine. Abafundi baya kubonisa ukuqonda inkqubo yokubhala inoveli enemifanekiso."
Ingasixelela Ntoni Imithi NgokuTshintsha KweMozulu? | NASA ClimateKids
Ukuphononongwa kweRingi yoMthi | Inqanaba lokufundisa leSikolo esiPhakathi | Ulwandle Grant Maryland
Ungasetyenziselwa njani umxholo we-dendroclimatology ukuveza utshintsho lwembali kwimozulu?
I-Dendrochronology (Izicwangciso zeZifundo ezahlukeneyo) | Ootitshala Bahlawula Ootitshala