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    教程 |采样、测量、分析 下面的链接将带您到各种操作视频和文章,以帮助您在 dendro 之旅中导航。无论您是游戏新手还是经验丰富的专业人士,我们都需要不时复习。享受,如果你遇到其他人,请告诉我们 ! Sampling Techniques Software & Analysis Ecology, GIS, Statistics, Etc. 后橡木 ( Quercus stellata ) 核心 Sampling Techniques 取样和样品准备 - 核心和饼干 增量 蛀虫 什么是增量钻孔器? - Lauren Stachowiak 博士(YouTube) 如何锐化增量钻孔器 - Chhin Lab (YouTube) SFRC 增量钻孔器基础 - UF |森林、渔业和地理科学学院 (YouTube) Haglöf 瑞典增量钻孔器 - 使用增量钻孔器启动器 (YouTube) 美国橡树项目木材取样|使用增量钻孔和钻孔 - Agroisolab UK 实地考察 用电锯从火灾伤痕累累的树上收集楔形样本 - Stockton Maxwell (YouTube) 样品准备 打磨更大的横截面 - Joe Buck (YouTube) Dendro 打磨教程(简短版):如何打磨横截面 - Joe Buck (YouTube) Dendro Sanding 教程:从头到尾准备一个 Tree Cookie 样本 - Joe Buck (YouTube) 准备树芯进行分析:安装和打磨 - James Dyer (YouTube) 为分析准备树芯第 2 部分:打磨和分析 - James Dyer (YouTube) 树木考古学 更多教程即将推出! 向上 软件与分析- R |录音机 | + 赛比斯: 酷录音机 &CDendro Cybis Dendrochronology CDendro & CooRecorder 之家 CooRecorder 基础知识和帮助 - CDendro 教程 - Stockton Maxwell 博士 (YouTube) CooRecorder 教程 - Stockton Maxwell 博士 (YouTube) CooRecorder 提示 - 早材/晚材、间隙、缺失环等 - Stockton Maxwell 博士 (YouTube) 程序 R 年轮 分析 dplR 包:执行年轮分析,例如去趋势、年表构建和交叉约会。 - Andy Bunn 博士 (GitHub) xDateR 应用程序 - Andy Bunn 博士 xDaterCrashCourse - Andy Bunn 博士 (YouTube) - 提供一些关于在 Dendro 和 dendroTools R 包中使用 R 统计信息的精彩教程 泰莱沃 年轮 分析 Tellervo 教程 丹卓套房 阿斯坦 |咖啡 | 教育管理 |等等。 与 ARSTAN 一起去趋势 - Gwenda Bruce(幻灯片放映) 向上 软件与分析- R |录音机 | + Software & Analysis Other Ecology-Related Help GIS | GPS QGIS for Ecologists (YouTube) GIS for Biologists: An affordable (USD $30) online course for learning QGIS Introduction to QGIS by Ujaval Gandhi: A comprehensive introduction to mapping and spatial analysis with QGIS by Ujaval Gandhi of Spatial Thoughts ( ) Spatial Thoughts : A free resource offering classes from introduction to advanced, covering topics like QGIS, Python, GDAL, & Google Earth Engine Chris Gentry's GIS Tutorial for ArcGIS Pro, QGIS, & R Qiusheng Wu's Google Earth Engine (GEE) & Python for Spatial Data Management Tutorials (YouTube) Statistics & Coding Spatial Thoughts: A free resource offering classes from introduction to advanced, covering topics like QGIS, Python, GDAL, & Google Earth Engine Statistics & R with Amelia McNamara (YouTube) Forest Ecology Methods Patrick Culbert - UBC Forestry | Great instructional videos covering many forestry topics (YouTube) Landscape Ecology Course from ETH Zurich ( This is the first MOOC to teach Landscape Ecology. Participants learn theory, methods and tools to understand the landscapes we live in and to solve landscape-related environmental problems. Dendrology & Plant ID North Carolina State Dendrology - Steph Jeffries | Tree ID for North American species (especially the Eastern 1/2 of the United States) Presentations SciComm: Animation training for Scientists by Tom Ovenden

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